Online Life Coaching

Life can throw us curves, and if we are struggling in one area of life, all the other areas seem to struggle too. It is not a sign of weakness to consider hiring a professional for guidance during these trying times, that’s why online life coaching was created- so you can experience a private, convenient way to share your concerns and get the help you deserve in the comfort of your own home. Not having to add on driving time, mess with finding a physical location, and not having to worry about health risks or mandates or what the location’s health regulations protocol is, Online Life coaching at is an easy, hassel-free option. By virtually visiting you can learn more about online life coaching, you can pick your certified professional coach, and choose the specific area of need that fits your unique situation. In your own home at your phone or computer, online life coaching at offers affordable pricing for 1 session or more, (no obligatory package pricing) you can check the availability of the coaches, schedule your session, and begin to share your concerns privately at your appointment time and get professional guidance. Online life coaching at is an easy, worry free experience. Some of the more popular sessions are in the areas of:

Dating…Premarital…Marriage…Separation…Divorce……..Family…Grief…Addictions…Anxiety relief…Self Development…Career Discovery…Increased Confidence…and more!

Discover why more and more people are receiving help with online life coaching! Learn more at or go directly to view our online coaching directory, and list of services at

10 Steps for Struggling couples


couples siloughette

Relationships, unfortunately, don’t have a 3 month, 3000 miles rule for going in and getting a tune-up or oil, filter, lube! But just as important as keeping our auto maintenance periodically, our relationships need checkups too, especially if couples have pushed unresolved issues under the rug over and over for years, and they tend to surface over and over, and they seem to be facing the same problems over and over.

Something to remember is that when a person goes years layering the problems and keeping a record of wrongs in their mind, these records tend to fester and grow bigger the more they think about them, and the more they share them with others, who most likely share their victim stories, and then that only adds fuel to the flame as well.

Conflict resolution means two things. It means a willingness for both parties to participate in being teachable toward listening to possible solutions and guidelines and choose their best path. And second, both people admitting their own personal weaknesses and mistakes, taking responsibilities for those, admitting faults, and moving forward in a positive direction toward compromise and forgiveness.

Coaching and counseling fails if one person has their mind set on the deadset belief that the coaching or counseling session is going to be focused on ‘setting their partner straight’ about some things. In other words, they feel that the counselor is going to hear their view, and going to ‘change their partner’. It will always be the coach or counselors position to hear both parties, and present ideas and suggestions that both people in the relationship may choose as a compromise, so that both parties feel they are working together as a team, and that they are both benefiting from a solution, and working together. Sometimes, however, suggestions will be outside the comfort zone of someone. That is because to accommodate our partners in relationships, change is often a part of successful flowing relationships. This does not mean, however, that we are supposed to change in ways that are uncomfortable, or feel unnatural to us. If there is a change our partner wants us to make that is outside of our comfort zone, we have a very HUGE decision to make, and we all know what that is. We must ask ourselves,

Can I continue to live with and love this person, creating this change in my life, and in theirs, easily and comfortably, without feeling resistance to this change, for the sake of maintaining a positive relationship?

If the answer is yes, you can stay in this relationship without hardship. If the answer is no, you will have a big decision to make.

The reason I love this question is that this question helps us evaluate ‘ourselves’; rather than continue to blame, or point the finger toward our partner. People tend to say things like this…

“Well, if my spouse would just stop…….and then they finish this sentence with whatever behavior is unbecoming…this idea sets up the belief that the problem lies solely outside of their self.

OR this one…

“Well, if only he/she would start ________more, then I would be more________.

They tend to fill in this sentence with whatever they desire from their partner to justify their reason to step up.

Here’s the major part of how this all has to work though. There has to be quality communication about what changes are necessary if any. What does need changing? What needs are being unmet? Has each partner even discussed their personal needs with each other? Why do we struggle? What are the fights about? What are the issues? Here are the 10 steps to get back on track to being friends, having fun, communicating, laughing together, finding that passion, and rediscovering the marriage you once thrived on!

  1. Make your needs list. Exchange it, and work on filling each other’s needs. DAILY.
  2. Buy the LOVE LANGUAGES book. Read it together. Know yours. Know Theirs.
  3. Buy the movie: FIREPROOF. WATCH IT together, ASAP. No Interruptions.
  4. Hire a Life Coach or Counselor, but be open, be teachable. It takes 2!
  5. Talk, Don’t Argue. If emotions get elevated; take a break.
  6. Work on your Communication skills. The NO’s of communicating: no interrupting, no yelling, no blaming, no bringing up the past, no name calling, no going to bed mad, no threats, no ultimatums, no defensiveness, no changing subjects; stay on topic.
  7. Anger will never fix anything but only brew more anger. Talk in a calm manner.
  8. Forgive. Unforgiveness is like paying rent for a home you don’t live in or visit.
  9. Don’t keep a record of wrongs, in your head, or verbally expose them to others about your partner, this just keeps the negative energy alive and continuing.
  10. Start new today with a new attitude of moving forward with positive new ideas for a positive future! You must believe it to achieve it!

For more life coaching information- visit or find Life Coach Annalisa on Facebook or other sites as Coach Annalisa or Ask Annalisa!

Ask Annalisa!

5 essential Leadership tips…

No matter what your job is, domestic-ceo on the home-front, or in Corporate America, or running and growing your own small business, (even in parenting and marriage!) there are certain basic principles of leadership that I have found throughout my life to be vital for growth, unity, & success. This is just a ‘LifeCoachAnnalisa’ theory, but most entrepreneurs I’ve had the pleasure meeting and or learning from, or the great authors who are experts at writing about success tips, teach and mentor from these as well:

1. Everyone has an invisible sign around their neck that says:                                            ~Please, make me feel important.~

2. Always ~Honor your word.~ Keep your commitments. Your word is your bond. It is your credibility, as a person, as a leader, and for the company and family you represent. When your word, or consistency is broken; so is your integrity. People are watching, being influenced, and learning from your example. If you are not committed enough to remain true to your word, or do not lead with consistent efforts; neither will your team, student body, employees, or your children.

3. ~Speak life~ into everyone, and everything. People need affirmation, constant affirmation. Most people move mountains when they are inspired; but freeze up when they are criticized. No one really changes because it’s expected, or demanded. Most change when they are feeling affirmed, appreciated, praised, and most importantly, made to feel they are making a difference!

4. ~Stay in contact~ with people. These high techy days have enormous resteam in mountain pic 1resources to stay in constant communication with people. Now with social media, and the ease and practical ways to connect right on your smartphone, there is just no reason not to be breathing positive, encouraging, uplifting messages of information, praise, recognition, and affirmations each and every day or week! People want to be around excited, successful people. How will they know this exists unless they see, hear, feel, and learn from posts, emails, phone calls, texts, and even snail mail cards – that it is happening and they are an important part !!!

5. ~Connect to an accountability partner!~ someone who has gone on to accomplish what it is you want to! Someone you respect. Someone who practices the ‘above’ four leadership qualities. Someone you feel energetic around. Someone you would trade places with because they live their life in such a honorable way! Stay close to this person, and latch on to their counsel. For more life coaching info in an area you may be struggeling with, or to book a Motivational Speaker, contact LifeCoachAnnalisa at or call 678-431-6528.


Here is a glossary of words to help you feel EMPOWERED to design the life you ‘really’ want….
ANXIETY….thinking on the past or future. Remedy: Be grateful in this present moment, enjoy the moment you are in, put away the electronics at times when you need to take in what is around you; engage in building relationships (not online, but real-face-to-face time) and simply, let go…allow…flow….in the ‘now’.
DEPRESSION…allowing your mind to default to the doubt, fear, worry, past hardships, future anxiety, sadness of something in the past. Remedy:
SHIFT… shift your mindset to your blessings. What do you have in your life right now that you are so appreciative of? WHO do you have in your life right now that you are so thankful for? Think on things that you desire so much, you can almost taste them showing up!!
BELIEVE…in yourself…in your gifts and talents….in your dreams…in your abilities to serve others and make a positive difference. YOU can, but if you think you can’t, your right.
RELATIONSHIPS….think on what IS working. What is DYNAMIC, not on what is not working, not going right. ONLY entertain the thoughts of positive outcomes, what you want, as if those things are already happening. When you do this, it’s like magic. Opportunities and change in others starts to happen. What we focus on; we bring on. Bring on flowing energy of love! Bring on your soul mate. Bring on the things that make you smile!!!!
MANIFESTING…. is awesome. Just remember, you can not think yourself thin by continuing thoughts of how fat you are! Contrasting thoughts are confusing GOD!!! Get clarity and vision for what exactly what you desire, think on that– as if it IS happening, it IS taking place, it IS developing…and you will recognize amazing results, fast, too!! But, as long as you have thoughts of what you don’t want, those will keep showing up.
Ever started liking a certain car, and then all of a sudden, you seem to see it everywhere? AH…..interesting.
SELF-TALK…the words we say to ourselves are powerful. Are you speaking life into yourself? Or, do I hear doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, disbelief, unworthiness, undeservedness whispering over there between your ears? Every great endeavor, every great relationship, every great entrepreneur started with someone putting value in him or herself first, otherwise, how could they get others on board for their mission, idea, or service? We will only receive in life, that which is aligned and equal or above to how we think of ourselves and what we deserve. Are you receiving what you deserve? No? Let’s raise our deserve levels, by acknowledging and believing we are unique, wonderful, and have gifts and talents that serve a greater purpose that can make a difference in this world. YOU ARE DIVINE!!!! No less than an amazingly talented, spiritual being who has work to do. First, in loving and forgiving yourself, and next, recognizing your great qualities, and then lastly; discovering a need in the world that your creativity can go and make a difference !!!! It can be with family, with a spiritual mission, with a business, or a career, or even within something part-time; but we are all called to do something; we must discover that calling, and begin with positive, loving, kind self-talk to accomplish our dreams. Remember Mohammad Ali? When I recall him being filmed, his famous words were: “I AM the greatest, I’ll show you how great I AM.” God worked through him, he was a champion in his field. In the movie, “Facing the Giants”, a teen was doubting his ability to kick for the football team because of his small size. His father said, “God can use you, David”. The boy said, “How can God use me, I’m so small, and the other kicker is the best at it”. His dad looked at him and said, “David, God works through the last, lost and least, to show how mighty He is. You go out there and do your best, let God do the rest!” In the cliff-hanger ending,Image result for champion pic David needed to make a 50 yard field goal to win the State Championship, and the coach asked him, “David, do you believe you can do it?” David said “I’ve never kicked that far before, coach” Coach asked again, “But David, DO YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT? I NEED YOU TO BELIEVE YOU CAN!”…..
……..YOU ARE A CHAMPION, but not until you believe it!!……

Unhappy in your Relationship or Marriage?…

via LifeCoachAnnalisa (@CoachAnnalisa) | Twitter.

*Never allow your need for affection, money, security, affirmation, help with the kids, or fear of being alone and fear of managing as a single parent – be a reason you overlook verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, abandonment, infidelity, addictions, or having your needs go unmet over and over!
***NOTHING is more important than being emotionally connected to someone who is/does the following***
1. Admitting & Seeking therapy for problems/addictions (alcohol, porn, personality disorders, depression, infidelity, fear of intimacy, fear of commitment, fear of rejection, etc)
2. Following through on their word or commitments; does what they say they will do, you can always count on them being responsible.
3. Maintains consistent communication and interaction with their kids
4. Speaks to you and the kids with respectful, kind tones, not harshly, cursing, or rude – even when expressing disagreement, or disciplining.
5. Emotionally healthy (no issues with anger, self-control, impulse control, truthfulness, depression, manages their work/career successfully, can be open and honest with thoughts and feelings, lives transparently (no secrets) takes personal responsibility for mistakes, not a blamer/excuse maker.
6. Secure in who they are, where they are headed (goal oriented), in a job/career they love, happy with life and all that they experience, stays positive most of the time.
7. Enjoys, plans, and looks forward to time with you as a couple, time with family, time with kids. Stays engaged in the family unit, enthusiastically.
8. Is positive about their faith, seeking God in their life, and shows interest in growing spiritually in some way (attends church or Bible study, prays, reads Spiritual books, or serves in Ministry of some sort, etc) Do not be unequally yoked.
9. Has and demonstrates a TEAM attitude with you. Whether there are kids or no kids, everyone needs to feel supported with plans, goals, budgets, social activities, and travel, and hobbies. If the planning and implementing is always one sided, one person can become overwhelmed, over worked, unappreciated, and, bored. Everyone needs that one cheerleader- the person who has their back, helps them by initiating what is needed. It isn’t rocket science to see what is often routine chores may need attending to.
10. A person who genuinely WANTS to meet your love language needs, not because you ask them to, but because it comes from their heart to do it. TIME…GIFTS….WORDS….TOUCH….SERVICES. And they know how to balance these.

For more relationship advice, or support and coaching for your marriage, dating or parenting needs, please consider Life Coach Annalisa – more info at, or call 678-431-6528

Happy Valentines Day…but…I want to break up…

IMG_20140725_073621Here’s the hardest reality for some people on Valentines Day: Pretending to celebrate a Love, that in their heart of hearts, has evaporated.  Yet, due to the hurt it may cause their love, they do not want to express their true feelings, before Valentines, during Valentines, or shortly afterwards. The pain of having to conform to a day where lovers exchange gifts, and words of gratitude and passion can be excruciating. Many people love their partner but don’t feel IN LOVE.  It leads to thoughts like, “what is ‘IN LOVE” mean, really? “Can true love even exist?”- “Is finding a soul mate even possible?” Sometimes the hurt of breaking up can be devastating, even if you are the one wanting to call it off. Many times, the other person didn’t do anything wrong, but you aren’t feelin’ it anymore.  When this happens, it is such an ordeal when you know you are going to break someones heart. You dread dealing with the crying, the text messages, the constant questions. You’re to the point of visualizing an interrogation of disastrous proportions!! Maybe though, You’re not wanting the break up, but someone has or is trying to…break up with you.

Here’s an amazingly positive thought. What if breaking up could be perceived as a LOVING gesture? Breaking up could actually be a GIFT!  Let’s examine how this can be true, even for the broken hearted receiver from the ‘breaker-upper’.

First of all, here are some of the feelings breaker-uppers usually have. They feel like they need space. They feel they need to disconnect, not necessarily for actions they dislike about their partner, but rather, actions they want to experience without being in an exclusive relationship. Some people want to break the constant communication, checking in, the assumed ‘together time’ on the weekends, and it’s not always about being interested in someone else. Breaker-uppers sometimes want out of feeling trapped. Or maybe, they haven’t felt independent in so long, they need more time to discover more about themselves.  Some breaker-upper’s have a gut feeling, an intuition that is leading them toward being solo –for no apparent reason, just feels right to transition there. And for some, the red flags of the relationship or the other person are just too much to continue. There are different value systems and priorities that become apparent after being with someone for a while, (after the infatuation stage wears off, which can be a year up to 7 years!) and the person didn’t do anything wrong like cheat, or defy their loyalty or respect, but one person just realizes the differences are too vast to remain compatible.  There is the case where the breaker-upper ‘changes’ in their values or priorities, and the relationship isn’t flowing like it once did when choices and decisions were made around different activities and perspectives. Also, there are people who are shy about speaking up in a new relationship to honor their deeper preferences, and then when they become stronger in expressing what they really want, this becomes foreign to their partner, and causes conflict.

Whatever the situation is, breaking up is always a hard thing to do. However, if you look at yourself, look deep within yourself, it really doesn’t matter if you are being broken up with, or you’re the one breaking up — IT IS STILL A GIFT and let me tell you why.  If the other person is ‘doubtful’ of their feelings, or needs more time to evaluate their individuality — PRAISE GOD for this!!! Would you want someone to stay with you otherwise? If you did, you are selfish. The best relationships are the ones where two individually healthy people team up, speak up, live it up, and love up life – together.  If your partner is breaking up, they are giving you the gift of freedom. Freedom to evaluate ‘your own life’ – (while they evaluate theirs!) and freedom of time to explore your passions, experience life without being on a team for a while. It can be WONDERFUL!  And think of this, they are actually giving you the most UNSELFISH gift. The gift of TRUTH. They are being honest with their feelings.  it would be dishonest to hide those feelings on Valentine’s, offering you rose pedals, bouquets, chocolate, and sex, but their heart is wanting out.

I’ve never understood the ‘anger’ people have when someone breaks up. I don’t want to be with anyone who doesn’t want me. The ‘wanting me’ is a major part of why I want them!!  I value myself. I love myself. I love my life. I like my personality. I like my career. I love my friends and family. If someone else doesn’t value me, ALL the qualities about me, even my short comings, then WHY would I beg, cry, ask a million questions, and even spend any time worrying over their decision of leaving me? I wouldn’t. No one gets that kind of  power over me. Sadness? Yes, it’s OK to be sad. But only for a moment. Some need longer moments than others.  But if you look at a break-up as a gift, a gift the other person gave YOU, and gave their self, you can take this punch a little stronger.

Also, Breaking up is an act of service and kindness. Why? Because it speaks volumes for the breaker-upper’s deeper character. They are being true to self. They are able to express a feeling; they are not afraid to risk a future friendship, or love, because they are honoring their inner sense of knowing. They are trusting a gut feeling, or their inner compass. They could be following God’s will, and/or, their inner sense of caution. While to most, a break-up is horrible, and viewed as depressing, and unkind; to healthy people, it is an act of real love for self, and for their soon to be -former lover.


Another positive approach to a breakup, is to look at it as a way to know, evaluate, or gauge if the relationship is TRULY meant to be, truly intimate, and truly what you want for the rest of your life. How could you determine this if there has never been a time you could venture into thinking for yourself, deciding individually for yourself, or freedom to develop your own ideas, your own goals. If you have ALWAYS been a team, and you feel shorted by not having independance with life’s ups and downs, it is HEALTHY to break up to go through a discovery process. This type of break up sends a positive message- that you aren’t rejecting your lover, but rather, you are in need of space from being exclusive, and all that exclusivity has involved during your relationship.There is a big difference!

So, if you are contemplating a break-up, or someone is breaking up with you, look at this as a positive transitional time in your life of God’s favor. It is a blessing of time. It is a gift in kindness. It is a chance to personally grow. It is a breather. It is a freedom opportunity to discover more about yourself. It is a healthy time for you to develop personally. It is a break from dual-choices, into the liberating feeling of independent thinking. It can provide time and space for personal reflection, contemplation, and setting values or goals into motion.

BREAKING UP is…(not hard to do)…but rather, a non-selfish, act of honest, loving kindness. Accept or give the gift without worry of hurt, but with compassion for a positive future for both people. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not boastful. Love is not jealous or self serving. Love does not keep a record of wrongs. Love does not anger, but comforts. Love serves. Love never fails. 1 Cor. 14:4-8, and some additions- by your’s truly. : )

Happy Breaking up this Valentines day. I sincerely wish you have found hope and faith in what the world views as a hardship; as a renewal time, an amazing gift, and one of the most sincerest acts of kindness within all that Love embraces.

~Life Coach, Relationship Specialist, Inspirational Speaker,

Annalisa O’Toole

For more relationship advice, dating, marriage, or divorce coaching or support, or counsel…

Email Coach Annalisa:…

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Call 678-431-6528 to set up a phone or live session in Buford, GA…

Follow Coach Annalisa on twitter: @coachannalisa

‘Like’ her page on Facebook: Inspired Life Coaching

Why am I a ‘LOSER’ magnet?….

Are you #single and struggling because you want to FIND THE RIGHT ONE?…..Do you feel like you’re constantly single#attracting the wrong people?  Please allow me to coach your perspective regarding your mindset about ‘attraction’. I have learned, and it has been my personal experience, that we attract people who we feel are most like us. Many say, that absolutely can not be true, because they feel they are ‘NOT’ like the last person they dated!  But, there is something about each person we attract that resonates with us, which is why we become connected. Then, we learn of the qualities that we don’t like, and we decide (sometimes) to become, disconnected, or disassociated. (Or,we stay connected due to the physical attraction, the sexual infatuation, and wonder why you can’t get along, or have a roller coaster relationship) So, how then, do we learn to discern who to attract? Here’s the secret…WE ATTRACT THAT WHICH WE MOST THINK ABOUT. This can be a person, place, thing, opportunity, tragedy, crisis, challenge, event, ordeal, group, material items, money, etc… So, what are you focusing on? If you are focused on your faults, your doubts, your fears, and your lack of something, THIS IS EXACTLY what will appear into your reality. Sometimes, your focus can manifest as a person with the very qualities you’re trying to avoid! Why? You keep thinking of what you don’t like!! Or perhaps an opportunity that seems appealing at first, but turns out to be the VERY SITUATION YOU FEAR – why?, because you were keeping those fears around in your thoughts. Maybe you have been consumed on ‘not being able to pay the bills’. So, therefore, deeper debt has arisen. WHY? You were thinking THAT exact thought, the thoughts of ‘not being able to pay the bills”.  So the universe has delivered to you –your continued inability to pay them!!! Do you see a pattern here?

 In Earl Nightingale’s amazing audio, THE STRANGEST SECRET, he reveals this very philosophy; and he expressed he wished he had capitalized on it years earlier in his youth. You see, that which we surround our thoughts and ourselves with, (feelings, perspectives, like-minded individuals, experiences, people, influences, books, movies, social-media, etc) is what we focus on. That which we focus on is what we are believing. What we are seeking is what we will find.  The secret of success, the definition in fact of success, is this: “Any continual  pursuit of a worthy ideal”. So, if you value yourself, you like your own qualities, you deeply believe there is an ideal mate for you (a worthy ideal) and you affix your thoughts on the expectation of them coming into your life at the right time, and believe strongly that they will have all the qualities you have already defined and written down (this is very important — if you haven’t declared a target, how will you know where to shoot? If there is no vision, there can be no mission!)  You will attract the person whom you believe is out there, coming to you, because you have identified their qualities, you have internalized the faith that they exist, and you truly want a compatible partner to share life with. Remember, if your words are statements like, “I don’t think I’ll ever find the right one”, or “I’m just not marriage material”, or “No one could really love me, I’m so screwed up”….then you know what, YOUR RIGHT!!!  Shift your words to this: “I believe God knows WHO I need, WHEN I need them, and HOW the attraction will happen.” You might say, “I know, expect, believe, and can visualize all the qualities of my ideal partner, I just can’t see their face, right this minute” -or- “I know EXACTLY what I don’t want, so red flags will always wave when meeting someone new who is not the right one” this is the affirmation that you are telling yourself you WILL discern. If you continue to say your picker is broken, it will remain broken. 

You are designing your life. Be careful of your thoughts, as they are creating what is magnetizing toward you!!

For further Relationship Life Coaching, visit, or, you can also Add LifeCoachAnnalisa O’Toole as a friend on facebook. Remember, a life coaching, dating, or self-empowerment session is just a phone call away!!  Remember, it’s up to you to make it a great and fabulous day!!

The pain of remaining the same…

ballet shoes trapped picgrows greater than the pain of making a change…you change. This beginning of 2015 can be the best time to free your spirit of accomplished desires. Unveil your true needs, let go of the fear you have held onto for so long. Sometimes, we can’t even identify our own fear, we just know we can’t move forward. We feel stuck. We are haunted by what we want, but can’t seem to get it. We are burdened by what we don’t want anymore, but can’t seem to follow a plan, or a consistent action that aligns with getting what we want. We set a goal, then we fail. We make a plan, even draw it out, then life gets busy. Challenges surround us. Every year, we make resolutions, then we forgot what they were by March.
This year really can be different. But the first step in designing a different life, is DECIDING that you CAN. BELIEVE that you WILL. And TRUST that IT IS happening! Some of you may have a weight goal. For others, a career goal. And for many, a relationship goal. As with any pattern of thought, what we think on, we bring on. Your thoughts are designing your life. You are attracting what you desire. If you are dwelling on the unwanted things in your life, they will continue to show up. If you are consumed with thoughts of doubt, you will keep having hesitations. If you are mindful of what you fear, you will continue feeling afraid of those things. Reminders of what you fear will keep showing up. But, if you focus on what you want, as if it is happening, and the visual is clear in your head of where you’re headed, and what you desire, then resources, opportunities, and people will begin to surround you for that to come to pass. You will actually manifest things that line up with that which you want! FOCUS:
If you are sincerely ready for change, you must be willing to pay a price. Change is not free. Something must change in order for a bigger change to take place. One penny thrown into the water causes a ripple, which causes another ripple, then before you know it, you have waves, then before you even blink, you have a current!
If you want change, you must change something uncomfortable. If you never move, you never feel the chains!
If we want something, our “WHY” must be greater (we must need it or want it MORE) than our ‘obstacles’.
If we want serious change, we must have a support system in place. You can’t get to your desired result without affirmation. People need encouragement. People need compliments. Surround yourself with positive people who support your dreams and goals. Surround yourself with leaders who have accomplished what you want to accomplish. Get connected to people who inspire you. Talk to people daily who are meeting their goals, and who create positive energy!
To accomplish something different this year, we need support that provides us with visual reminders daily. Make a DREAM BOARD with pictures and words that reflect who, what, when, where, and HOW you plan to achieve your goals. Get your family involved! include your children in your plans. If you achieve your goals, make sure you help them achieve theirs!
Without a gage to measure your success – a tracking system of some kind, you are less likely to achieve your success. Use a chart, an app, a friendly competitive partner going for the similar goals. When you have a tracking system in place, you know where you are now, where you’ve been (history) and how far you have to go!!
In order to accomplish great things this year besides acquiring support, visuals, and tracking, you will also need to make time daily to ‘sharpen your saw’ –school should never be out for the pro. We never ‘know it all’. Read a new book, always have a new read going. Tap into people who are making your goal happen, or who have already achieved what you want to – gain knowledge through relationships. If you want to find your soul mate this year, you need to read from the relationship experts on this subject. If you want to make more money in your field, you need to read from authors who have achieved success in your field. If you want to learn a new skill, you should watch videos, and tutorials on HOW TO to gain new insight for this endeavor. If you are trying to lose weight, learn from the top diet & physical fitness gurus.
Also, remember one last change before moving into a NEW year and NEW you — you can never create change sitting still. Nothing happens till someone gets excited, and MOVES. Move toward your goals with enthusiasm. Say, I am GAINING ___________________ this year!! Fill in the blank with a positive new goal! NEVER say, I am not, or I will not…. or I can not….or I won’t…
But instead say,
I AM_________________!!!!!
I WILL _______________!!!!!
I BELIEVE I CAN _________!!!!!
I KNOW I AM _____________ !!!!!
Everything good happens to those who believe. All good things come to those who wait. Every good thing will come to pass if that is what you are expecting and working toward. Stumbling blocks are only set backs that turn into stepping-stones when you step up and step out!!
If you have anxiety, it is because you are dwelling in the past, or worried about the future. We can only count ‘right now’ –you are in charge. This moment is a gift, it’s the present! Choose to be happy, healthy, and prosperous –it IS up to you!! You are one choice away from changing your entire world!! You’re one perspective away from making it a GREAT day!
Here’s to a fabulous 2015, and making ALL your goals and dreams come true! You deserve happiness! You are worthy of success!! You are IMPORTANT!!!

Life Coach Annalisa

Relationship Struggles? Tips for re-connecting…

Emotional Connection is the secret to Flowing Relationships...

Emotional Connection is the secret to Flowing Relationships.

INSPIRED LIFE COACHING….. December 2014 Newsletter

by Life Coach, Relationship Specialist & Inspirational Speaker,

Annalisa O’Toole

Emotionally Connecting is the root foundation for relationships to flourish…

If your Relationship is in need of repair, it is most likely, because your EMOTIONAL CONNECTION has been compromised. It is in jeopardy, it is not strong, and it is creating havoc in your life. Here are the BEST ways to reconnect emotionally. It requires at least ONE person, constantly working to show love, support, and admiration, and trustworthiness. It takes two forgiving, honest, and willing people to move forward. If you are the one trying to repair, mend, or save a relationship, you will know the advice below that is specific for you. If you are the one who thinks everything is fine, but your partner is having trouble –look again at the following things. You need to absorb some emotional-connecting tips- and fast!!  Stop arguing about the little things, and realize it is your EMOTIONAL CONNECTION that has been broken. Let’s repair it!!! Hope these tips help you through this season. We are in a season of giving, so try to focus more on what you can GIVE to the relationship, verses WHAT you get or don’t get out of it.

If one is tired, offer a massage —

If one is crying, hold them.

If one is bitchin, say, “I understand what can I do or help you with?”

If one is frustrated, let them vent without getting mad – one person at a time with the elevated emotions!! Your job is to Just listen, empathize, support, offer assistance.

If one is nagging, say, “What can I do to help you?”

If one is demanding, say, “Let me write these things down, so I don’t forget, I know they are important to you, I’ll do my best at these”

If one is distant — give them space.

If one is short—say, “I know it feels as if your world is falling apart, but I still love you.”

If one is quick tempered, say, “How can I make things easier, or relieve your load?”

If one is late home from work, have dinner ready, offer a beverage, sit with them and talk.

If the house is messy, clean it.

If it’s trash day, take it out.

If its grocery day and you’re buying them, bring home flowers guys. Girls: Bring home his favorite item, or beer.

Leave notes of appreciation saying “have a great day” in their car, or by their mirror in the bathroom.

Guys: Buy a spa day certificate, take the kids all day, and tell her she’s off-duty!!!

Girls: Buy an admission ticket to a sports event, or the shooting range (hopefully you haven’t made him too mad! HA!)

Love Languages:

Most people feel loved if their partner does one or more of the following:


Figure out which one is their HOT button, do things around that love language as often as possible.

Social Media & Friends of opposite sex:

Clean up your friendships outside the marriage. It is not good to have ‘female’ or ‘male’ friends you talk to daily or often. Even if you speak to this person about getting their gender perspective on your relationship – which seems innocent, it creates a sense of disloyalty within your partner. Phone records can be checked. Although you may not be in a sexual relationship —-an emotional connection starts by talking often — and even if talking often is not leading to an emotional connection, it would never be perceived as ‘platonic’ if there are multiple texts and calls throughout day to day. OR, long patterns of texting or talking on and off throughout the month. Chatting on games, snap chat, vines, and other forms of communication are all the same. They are not healthy to participate in with friends of the opposite sex if you are in a committed, exclusive relationship. Even if you both trust each other impeccably – it sends the wrong message to the other chatter – the message being –I have a need to talk to you, and have fun conversations with you- because my partner isn’t available to. Even though this isn’t the message you INTENDED – it is what ‘can’ be perceived. So  to stay in the safe zone: REFRAIN.


  1. No interrupting
  2. No threats to leave house or relationship.
  3. No name calling.
  4. Stay on topic, no bringing up the past
  5. No going to bed mad

If someone is upset, ask more questions verses making more statements. Always repeat what you thought your partner said, here’s an example: “So, what I heard you say was”: then repeat that outloud. This way, your partner can feel they were ‘heard’ with their perspective, or ‘not understood’. The goal in any conversation is for one person to feel understood.

The MINUTE your emotions start elevating (heart rate increases, sweating, or feelings of panic, or feelings of anger) due to frustration or anger, it is best to TAKE A BREAK rather than yell, or get aggressive, or begin hitting walls.

If, or when- one partner see’s their partner is getting worked up in anger, it is best to begin soothing them with things like:

Let’s talk about this later.

Maybe I should go, and we can talk it out later.

Maybe we should just stop talking now, hold each other, and come back to a discussion later.

Always speak life. Never let your words have a frustrating tone- no matter your mood, their words, their accusation, etc…If they are upset, YOU REMAIN CALM! If they need correcting, do it lovingly. If one is upset, the other could use phrases like:

  • I hear you, I understand.
  • I am so sorry that upset you. What can I do to make you feel better?
  • Come over here, let me hold you.
  • Let’s go do something very, very special together.
  • I love when you ______________
  • I think it’s so cool that you ______________
  • You make me feel so good, and special when you ________________
  • You’re leaving home in THAT shirt? You look so good in that, I worry someone will steal you away! (playful, not jealous tones…easy does it on this one)
  • I am so sorry that is happening to you, how can I help you?

If you are the one upset, be careful to use the I FEEL______I FELT_____, I FOUND______ method, it makes your partner feel less accused, less criticized, and it makes it more about ‘your feelings’ than their wrong doing.

EDIFY your spouse even if it is not received in love. The goal is to give -without any expectation of a return. Give compliments, show appreciation, offer helpfulness, show thoughtfulness, show kindness, show consideration. Don’t have double standards. EVEN IF they aren’t showing these to you, DO IT ANYWAY!! They will eventually learn their mistakes, and your example will pay off – or things won’t change and then you can re-access the relationship or seek more coaching.

If you are estranged, separated, or working on things and sex is ‘OFF’ limits presently –NEVER make a pass, or caress, or reach to touch your partner unless THEY initiate, so you know that you know- that you know- they want to go there. If sexual relations are OK, take the time to be gentle, do something fun and different. Be about making THEM feel good for a change – it’s not all about YOU, you know. Get creative, and be spontaneous. Break the same-ole, same-ole routines. Surprise your partner with something new. Remember:

Passion is a Friendship – ON FIRE!!!

Learn to LAUGH! You must share laughter together. It is the secret ingredient that makes everything else work. If you cannot laugh daily, create pet names, make up new stuff that makes you laugh, act silly, whatever, you are missing a very important part of emotionally connecting.

BE OK if your partner needs to CRY! What someone who is crying needs most, is less talk, and more holding. PERIOD. But reminding softly, that they are loved, and you’re in this forever and, ever after that, is not a bad idea!!

Always give eye-contact….ALWAYS, even if they are not looking at you! Don’t be easily distracted if they are talking to you. FOCUS on not only looking at them, but listen intently, put the phone down. IT CAN WAIT!

INITIATE a fun activity together, plan a date, or plan a future vacation together. Plan a project, or do something charitable together. GIVING always creates peacefulness within.

RESPECT the money manager of the relationship. This person has it tough; they have to be the bad guy. They have to budget, they have to say no, they have to access the needs (that don’t always align with their partner’s idea of needs) Somebody will have to be more flexible, but ultimately, the money manager needs A LOT of understanding, and appreciation –The hardest duo’s are when the $-manager is the FEMALE. Because that is out of alignment with the MAN who needs feeling like he’s in charge, like he’s the leader, and the decision maker of the family. But, if his weakness is managing money, he needs to respect and adhere to the woman’s talent and ability to manage – the woman in this role needs to take EXTRA care when talking, and planning, and deciding things. There is a fine line between being the decision maker, and respecting your Man!

HE needs respect upmost in the relationship.

SHE needs to feel understood, loved, cherished, adored, and be reminded by her man she is number 1, he’s in for the long haul, and there’s no one else who could ever take her place and she’s amazing, and you love her cooking, and she is talented, and she makes you feel so good, and…….

NOTICE: Men –need one thing. Woman: A long-Complicated list!!!!  Men & Women who ‘get this’ will have flowing relationships.

PRAYING together is the ULTIMATE way to build back a strong emotional connection. Try it, it’s amazing. Start out with one person, build up to taking turns. It can truly shift your relationship; it somehow creates a sense of unity that is empowering.

Resources that are helpful in hurting relationships:

  • The movie FIRE PROOF.
  • Purchasing the 40 day journal they use in the movie at a local Christian book store, and do it.
  • Love & Respect book, or ANY book by Gary Chapman. He wrote the love Languages book also.
  • Briggs Meyer’s- ISDC Personality Profiles. This is great insight for determining how your partner thinks and their perspective of things. It is helpful for improving communication and connection.
  • Attend a marriage or couples retreat or seminar together.
  • Create a ‘MUST HAVE’ list and each of you ‘share’ your list of desires, and work on giving more.
  • Decide the past hurts that are still rising up, and creating problems, write them each down on an index card. On the back, write how you choose to forgive, and move past it, what you’ll do different in the future moving forward…then have a BURN date, by the fire! DISCUSS each one- STATE YOUR WRONG if you were- FORGIVE-OFFER your NEW way of resolving-PRAY-THEN TOSS them in the fire!!! Don’t go back to those situations.

If your partner is distant – YOU warm up.

If your partner is quiet, make them laugh.

If your partner is hurried, help them.

If your partner is trying to make plans with friends without you, (they are needing space, apparently) you make plans on your own, happily. Two individually independent people with their personal interests are far more intriguing and enjoyable- than two people who are together all the time- without outside interests. Make SURE you are supportive of your partner’s friends, interests, and activities that have nothing to do with you. This is healthy, and a necessity in life.

Keep in mind, if you are in a position of trying to consider: SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO in your relationship, these tips are VERY IMPORTANT as you seek God and His guidance for that decision.

  • Fruits of a loving spirit, (within someone’s character) are peace. Lack of them, is turmoil. Here they are: Gentleness, kindness, joy, humbleness, not self-seeking, doesn’t keep record of wrongs, not jealous, patient, and loving.
  • Have I maintained a loving spirit, for a long consistent amount of time, and my partner still treats me unloving?
  • Does my partner seek God, or is there something else more important: Money-Entertainment-Friends-Work-etc.? (not sure, look at where their money, time, and thoughts go)
  • Do I –or- Does my partner have purpose and passion about life outside of ‘us’? A person without this, will often times rely too heavily on their partner to feel good about themselves, and this is not only insecure, but a big load for someone to bear! It is vital that people discover their skills, talents, and creative side and serve someone or something in this world to make a difference – not just with their partner and on the home-front!!
  • Does my partner have a positive energy around them, do I feel uplifted when we are together, or is most of our time feel like one or both of us wants the other to change something?
  • Is there an unhealthy, influential person in my partner’s (or my) life that is not likely to disconnect from (them) (or me) anytime soon, and therefore; makes it extremely difficult to have and keep a strong emotional connection with my lover?
  • Are our values so different that our priorities are different, and this causes us to have constant conflict?
  • Do I –or- does my partner –stay in this relationship because they ‘fear’ something? Rejection, instability, being alone, jealous of the other moving on without them, fear of not having or making enough money, etc…
  • Do we find ways to manage our children or do we constantly have issues regarding their care?
  • Is there constant drama, other people involved in affairs that should be handled between just us?

I hope these tips are helpful. I hope they make you think, and contemplate your relationship -so you can make the positive changes that will ensure your happiness together. For some, it’s taking time to create space and work on building back the friendship, so the passion is re-ignited. For other’s, it is re-building a friendship, so the passion increases, so the mistrust issues diminish….and more trust is gained.

You attract more bees with honey!!

Coaching relationships doesn’t make progress if one or two people have a hardened heart, remain un-open to change, un-open to forgiveness, or are unteachable.

Relationship coaching however, can succeed if each person will ‘look in the mirror’ – accept their weaknesses, commit to change, and work on serving their partners deepest emotional needs.

The Holidays are only stressful if you allow them to be. I hope this Christmas season, you will commit to your relationship. The changes necessary, and work toward your mutual goals to create a wonderful and loving, romantic New YEAR!!!

Looking forward to hearing from you and learning how you’re doing!!

Coach Annalisa O’Toole~

(ph)678-431-6528 (email)

Follow for More relationship advice daily on Twitter: @coachannalisa

Are you a RUG or a BUBBLE?

bubbleWhen the PAIN of remaining the same, grows GREATER than the pain of making a change, you CHANGE!

People want to complain. They play the victim, and have a bad attitude without realizing it. They get sick. Sickness manifests from stress. People target other’s and worldly experiences as reasons they are having a hardship. People are negative. People use doubt as a reason to not move forward. People fear the unknown. People justify their ill feelings based on blaming something or someone or find excuses. People are depressed. People can’t find their happy. People have troubled relationships. People can’t fix the problem in their life. People are discouraged…….
There IS a way out. There IS a remedy. There IS hope.

PRAY & MEDITATE daily for at least 20-30 minutes, learn this art of getting within yourself to heal, renew thoughts, renew focus, seek God.
EXERCISE at least 30 minutes each day.
EAT CLEAN, eat fruits & veggies, avoid processed food, cut out white flour, sugar, and artificial garbage. Choose real organic.
GET CLARITY for your purpose, your passion, your calling. Live life around serving in your area of expertise & gifts- verses working around your hobbies. Put God 1st, family 2nd, career/calling 3rd, and then add hobbies & fun, entertainment and interests; prioritizing your life will add value and harmony, a disorderly life depletes your energy. Being scattered often leads to having to rely on other’s for taking care of responsibilities that are yours.

Remember when our children would plea for doing something themselves, and we were resistant to allow them to do it, because we knew they would either get hurt, fall, fail, or otherwise mess it up? But our MESSING UP or getting hurt, or failing, or falling, is EXACTLY WHY we learned to do it better. Do it differently. We kept falling until we mastered the task. Stay consistent with this list, no matter how you fail, fall, or mess up – I promise, with consistency, you will ‘FEEL BETTER” “LOOK BETTER” “PERFORM BETTER” and it will create in you a feeling of self confidence that only comes from self satisfaction of a job well done!!

Most people don’t relaize they are continueing to complain about things they can’t change. We can only change our reactions, our attitudes and perspectives about things. So why not start today, CHANGE your habits. CHANGE to making this list your priority everyday. See if by practicing these simple steps, you don’t start FEELING BETTER…LOOKING BETTER….HAVE MORE POSITIVE EMOTIONS….ENJOYING LIFE MORE!

  • Doing these things consistently will eliminate negative energy. This regimen will reduce or eliminate stress.
  • This to-do list will greatly reduce or eliminate bad feelings, depression, sadness.
  • This list will give you a new focus, so less focus is dwelling on a crisis.
  • This list adds a sense of self-worth, dignity, pride, and good emotions because it is taking care of your body. Taking care of our passions. Taking care of our mind. Taking care of our focus and discipline, and schedule.
  • When your life- physically and emotionally- is in order, it is then you can thrive professionally, in relationships, and especially with feelings about yourself. Self confidence is the catalyst that propels you positively toward your goals in all area’s of your life.
  • The higher self-esteem you have, the higher your deserve level raises up. And when that happens you begin to recognize behaviors that cause you pain. The more pain you recognize and feel, the lower your tolerance becomes of unkind, manipulative, and emotionally unhealthy people. The lower your tolerance – the stronger you are in setting boundaries for a peaceful life.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God (within) ….and all these things shall be added unto you. 

With God, all things are possible.

Your body is a holy temple of GOD. 

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Eph.4:23

A life ending in destruction is one whose God is their belly (over-eaters)whose glory is in their shame (wrong doers) and whose mind is on earthly things (material-world minded) Phil. 3:19

In 1937, Napoleon Hill wrote a book about food, sex, and unspiritual minds being the culprits to why people are unhappy, unstable, broke, uncreative, unhealthy, and unable to see God’s grace. How powerful his words are in this very day and time when people are staying in unhealthy relationships for sex, or based on fear of being alone. People are not controlling their minds and seeking God to guide them, and therefore fall to the temptations of worldly material things to try and find happiness. Some people need constant noise, entertainment, and people around them because they are afraid of their own thoughts, owning their feelings or going down self discovery lane! Some people never meditate to find peace, clarity, or sense of purpose. They just take life on like a big giant shaggy rug, and absorb whatever comes their way. A better plan is living life like we are inside a giant invisible bubble that attracts the things we desire, and repels the people and things that don’t align with our boundaries; boundaries that we set that align with our purpose; our purpose that aligns with our passions. Our passions that align with our skills, gifts, talents, and deepest desires!!

Are you a RUG, or a BUBBLE??

Try the list for a month. See how life changes for you. Remember, it’s up to you – to make your life wonderful, fabulous and worth living- in peace and harmony and happiness!!


Life Coach Annalisa~