5 essential Leadership tips…

No matter what your job is, domestic-ceo on the home-front, or in Corporate America, or running and growing your own small business, (even in parenting and marriage!) there are certain basic principles of leadership that I have found throughout my life to be vital for growth, unity, & success. This is just a ‘LifeCoachAnnalisa’ theory, but most entrepreneurs I’ve had the pleasure meeting and or learning from, or the great authors who are experts at writing about success tips, teach and mentor from these as well:

1. Everyone has an invisible sign around their neck that says:                                            ~Please, make me feel important.~

2. Always ~Honor your word.~ Keep your commitments. Your word is your bond. It is your credibility, as a person, as a leader, and for the company and family you represent. When your word, or consistency is broken; so is your integrity. People are watching, being influenced, and learning from your example. If you are not committed enough to remain true to your word, or do not lead with consistent efforts; neither will your team, student body, employees, or your children.

3. ~Speak life~ into everyone, and everything. People need affirmation, constant affirmation. Most people move mountains when they are inspired; but freeze up when they are criticized. No one really changes because it’s expected, or demanded. Most change when they are feeling affirmed, appreciated, praised, and most importantly, made to feel they are making a difference!

4. ~Stay in contact~ with people. These high techy days have enormous resteam in mountain pic 1resources to stay in constant communication with people. Now with social media, and the ease and practical ways to connect right on your smartphone, there is just no reason not to be breathing positive, encouraging, uplifting messages of information, praise, recognition, and affirmations each and every day or week! People want to be around excited, successful people. How will they know this exists unless they see, hear, feel, and learn from posts, emails, phone calls, texts, and even snail mail cards – that it is happening and they are an important part !!!

5. ~Connect to an accountability partner!~ someone who has gone on to accomplish what it is you want to! Someone you respect. Someone who practices the ‘above’ four leadership qualities. Someone you feel energetic around. Someone you would trade places with because they live their life in such a honorable way! Stay close to this person, and latch on to their counsel. For more life coaching info in an area you may be struggeling with, or to book a Motivational Speaker, contact LifeCoachAnnalisa at www.annalisaotoole.com or call 678-431-6528.


Here is a glossary of words to help you feel EMPOWERED to design the life you ‘really’ want….
ANXIETY….thinking on the past or future. Remedy: Be grateful in this present moment, enjoy the moment you are in, put away the electronics at times when you need to take in what is around you; engage in building relationships (not online, but real-face-to-face time) and simply, let go…allow…flow….in the ‘now’.
DEPRESSION…allowing your mind to default to the doubt, fear, worry, past hardships, future anxiety, sadness of something in the past. Remedy:
SHIFT… shift your mindset to your blessings. What do you have in your life right now that you are so appreciative of? WHO do you have in your life right now that you are so thankful for? Think on things that you desire so much, you can almost taste them showing up!!
BELIEVE…in yourself…in your gifts and talents….in your dreams…in your abilities to serve others and make a positive difference. YOU can, but if you think you can’t, your right.
RELATIONSHIPS….think on what IS working. What is DYNAMIC, not on what is not working, not going right. ONLY entertain the thoughts of positive outcomes, what you want, as if those things are already happening. When you do this, it’s like magic. Opportunities and change in others starts to happen. What we focus on; we bring on. Bring on flowing energy of love! Bring on your soul mate. Bring on the things that make you smile!!!!
MANIFESTING…. is awesome. Just remember, you can not think yourself thin by continuing thoughts of how fat you are! Contrasting thoughts are confusing GOD!!! Get clarity and vision for what exactly what you desire, think on that– as if it IS happening, it IS taking place, it IS developing…and you will recognize amazing results, fast, too!! But, as long as you have thoughts of what you don’t want, those will keep showing up.
Ever started liking a certain car, and then all of a sudden, you seem to see it everywhere? AH…..interesting.
SELF-TALK…the words we say to ourselves are powerful. Are you speaking life into yourself? Or, do I hear doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, disbelief, unworthiness, undeservedness whispering over there between your ears? Every great endeavor, every great relationship, every great entrepreneur started with someone putting value in him or herself first, otherwise, how could they get others on board for their mission, idea, or service? We will only receive in life, that which is aligned and equal or above to how we think of ourselves and what we deserve. Are you receiving what you deserve? No? Let’s raise our deserve levels, by acknowledging and believing we are unique, wonderful, and have gifts and talents that serve a greater purpose that can make a difference in this world. YOU ARE DIVINE!!!! No less than an amazingly talented, spiritual being who has work to do. First, in loving and forgiving yourself, and next, recognizing your great qualities, and then lastly; discovering a need in the world that your creativity can go and make a difference !!!! It can be with family, with a spiritual mission, with a business, or a career, or even within something part-time; but we are all called to do something; we must discover that calling, and begin with positive, loving, kind self-talk to accomplish our dreams. Remember Mohammad Ali? When I recall him being filmed, his famous words were: “I AM the greatest, I’ll show you how great I AM.” God worked through him, he was a champion in his field. In the movie, “Facing the Giants”, a teen was doubting his ability to kick for the football team because of his small size. His father said, “God can use you, David”. The boy said, “How can God use me, I’m so small, and the other kicker is the best at it”. His dad looked at him and said, “David, God works through the last, lost and least, to show how mighty He is. You go out there and do your best, let God do the rest!” In the cliff-hanger ending,Image result for champion pic David needed to make a 50 yard field goal to win the State Championship, and the coach asked him, “David, do you believe you can do it?” David said “I’ve never kicked that far before, coach” Coach asked again, “But David, DO YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT? I NEED YOU TO BELIEVE YOU CAN!”…..
……..YOU ARE A CHAMPION, but not until you believe it!!……

Live your Dream in 2016, 10 (steps) to WIN!

Every New year, we all set resolutions (sometimes people don’t) and we set goals, and we at least think on what we want to accomplish, or strive to do different. We think of what we want to do different, we think of what we want to change, what we want to accomplish.

Most people start out with great intentions, but with time, fall off the path of their journey they were so fired up about at the start. I believe in ten things to help people accomplish their goals and resolutions. Here they are:

10 to Win:

1st: We need CLARITY of our goal. What is it specifically we want?

Success is defined as a consistent effort of many steps toward a worthy ideal.

You should write down what you MOST want, one thing that you want more than anything in 2016. Have a detailed idea, write it down.With clarity, you are better able to visualize it, and believe in attracting it!

2nd step: Commitment & Self-Discipline

Commitment to consistent efforts (regardless of how we feel) and  Self-discipline, following through with the commitments made long after the enthusiasm of doing so has passed.

After you make a commitment -to keep your commitments- with consistent discipline, then there a few more steps to getting the results you desire this year.

3rd is the incredibly effective power of visualization. You must actually VISUALIZE having, being, doing, or accomplishing the thing you want most. Visualize it often, as if it IS happening right now. What is the weather like? Where are you standing? Who is with you? What are the emotions your feeling having achieved it? What are others saying to you?  Who would be the most proud? Who would be influenced and inspired by your achievement most? Visualizing is VERY important because it promotes BELIEF.

4th, after commitment, self discipline and Visualization, is deep BELIEF. You must deeply believe you CAN have it. You must believe you deserve it. You must believe you are capable of having it, believe you can maintain it. You must deeply believe it will make a positive difference in your life and in the lives of others. You must believe so deeply- that you feel it is coming to you right now. Each moment, with each choice you’re making, you’re closer to having it show up!!

5th, ACCOUNTABILITY. Who will you check in with on your progress? Or, do you have small target goals to accomplish that hold you to be accountable? Who is a mentor or someone having accomplished this before you that you can check in with? Do you have a support system in place, a person, or a computer program that allows you to ‘track’ progress? No one knows the level of success without the activity toward it being measured. Where will you measure your progress? How will you know if your advancing, or behind schedule of your particular goal without measuring, checking your progress, and getting coached or helped, or mentored toward your goal?

6th -Don’t fall into the Excuse Trap. If you don’t have an accountability partner, create one. If you’re leaders associated to the business you set a goal in are not supporting you in the way you most prefer, or feel is right, don’t spend energy criticizing, BECOME the leader you don’t have! Promote yourself faster! Don’t verbalize or even think on the reasons that have come up why you CAN’T, forget about those. THINK ON the reasons that created your WHY in the first place! Either your DREAM is bigger than all the challenges, or you ‘allow’ the bumps in the road to be bigger. It’s your choice. You can have a GOOD day or a BAD one, the difference is your mindset, and whether or not you’re going to allow exterior factors to influence your journey toward advancement, or allow it to hold you back. Again, your choice. Also, keep in mind, ‘justifying your inactivity, or falling off the band wagon’ is unacceptable. GET MAD! You would get mad if someone didn’t keep their word to YOU! So, why aren’t we mad at ourselves, we treat ourselves horribly!! Don’t be your own enabler!!! HA!!  If you miss your daily action, do it right away, as soon as you become aware!!

7th – Meditation. Start your day with power thoughts! The affirmations, thoughts, and mindset you focus on are the very things that will show up for you throughout your day. Prayer and meditation are two of the most effective ways to design your life and live with positive experiences and aids in easily ridding the negative things from our focus. It can help relieve doubt, pain, fear-based thought, or creating hypotheticals in our mind over circumstances outside our control. It helps keep us in a neutral state of loving peace. Try it!  If you’re unfamiliar, youtube is a great resource, or books on amazon for beginners!!

8th- FAILURE is good. FAILURE is not an option, but know this: You only fail if you don’t keep trying. QUITTING = FAILING. What if Thomas Edison quit after his 1000th attempt to create electricity? What if Abraham Lincoln decided NOT to run in the Presidential campaign after having lost 9 times in his political career, basing his level of success on his failures, verses his small successes along the way? Reggie Jackson could not hold the current #1 home-run hitter position of all time without his 2,597 time record of striking out!! These famous guys failed forward to success. We can too. It’s OK to fail at a task – you don’t fail at the goal unless you make a conscious choice NOT to cross the finish line with whatever it takes. I loved the video of the runner of a race who tore a ligament during running, and as he limped to keep going, his father joined him from the stands, with an arm around him, they crossed the finish line together — NOW THAT’S HAVING COMMITMENT, CONSISTENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, BELIEF, NO EXCUSES, and a NO FAILING MINDSET!!

9th- Do at least ONE THING DAILY toward your goal. If you are not taking daily steps forward, you will fall back. Someday isn’t a day of the week. Don’t allow other FAST TRACK people to get you discouraged. Their time management, their family commitments, their job, and their energy levels are different. Decide on your goal, set an action plan, include something daily –one phone call, one contact, one action step, and your small efforts will turn into big results over time.

And the 10th IN it to WIN it step is this:


Now…go for it. When you accomplish it….come back to this post and tell us about it!!! Ready, Set,…

Commit, Discipline yourself, Get Clarity, Get accountable, VISUALIZE it, Believe it! No excuses, Do one thing a day to keep failure away, Meditate! FEEL WORTHY and Deserving!!  












Why do “I” …need Personal Growth?



“I am who I am”, Heard yourself say that? Or, “I’m just me. No one can expect me to change.” Some of us feel we are fine. We are emotionally healthy. There are hints that life can throw us to know we are kidding ourselves!! Here’s the reality, while setting our personal boundaries is vital to good relationships and creating balance and peace, there are definite times in our lives we need to stop, look within, evaluate our choices and actions to possibly consider tweaking some things. Clues to needing to exit on a new path of personal growth are easy to detect- if your conscious. Here are a few clues:

–People stop listening to you and often become distracted.
–You can not get into or have trouble staying in a committed relationship.
–You do not have a passion, hobby, or strong creative interest in your life outside friends, family and/or a lover(s).
–There is constant drama around you.
Ok…so if any of the criteria above holds true in your life, here are 10 ways to come into massive personal growth –so you can begin to enjoy life! Experience peace. Create balance and harmonious relationships.
1. Read or listen to the audio versions of a personal self help book. I recommend Joel Osteen’s “YOUR BEST LIFE NOW” to start. Or, “THE MAJIC OF THINKING BIG”
2. Surround yourself with people who are where you most want to be in life, emotionally, career wise, spiritually and intellectually.
3. Evaluate who you talk to most. What goes in (your brain) comes out. Make sure people you are close to are not negative, whiney, energy draining, and crisis oriented. Choose positive people who speak life, givers who do for others, people who support your goals, and love their life.
4. If someone walks away from you- Let it be. Let go. Move forward. They may come back in a different season, but for now, you just work on you -to be your very best.
5. Love and forgive yourself. The past is over. Your future is so bright, you’re going to need shades!! Read Jer.29:11
6. You are designing your life. Your thoughts are creating your mood. Your mood inhibits or prohibits your actions. Your actions are developing your life’s journey! So, adjust your thoughts to what you desire with a positive expectation; so deeply believing that all resources and opportunities are aligning to make this a reality even as you read this!! Remember this too: Anxiety happens when our minds are affixed on past or future things. Be mindful of this present moment, be grateful and count your blessings…you will feel anxiousness subside the more you begin to dwell in the “now”.
7. Live and let live. Don’t be needy or clingy to other people. Find your niche’. Discover your calling. This makes you an interesting person. People want to be around people who have fun. People are drawn to those who have enthusiasm! Don’t have unnecessary expectations of others. Let the little stuff roll. Life is too short to get bent over things that won’t matter in 5 years.
8. Understand this: IT IS A HUGE MISTAKE TO MAKE ANOTHER PERSON YOUR WORLD. No one is responsible for your happiness, except you. You should be creating a life that is fulfilling, fun, enriched with activities and opportunities that don’t always involve the love of your life.
9. Trust your inner compass. Go with that gut feeling! This is God within you saying YES or No! If it just doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Know the difference between feeling fear or feeling hesitant.
10. Work on self discovery. Just because you have a physical attraction to someone doesn’t mean you are meant to be and will live happily ever after. Your values must match. People need similar priorities and goals or there will be constant resistance.
Decide your career path. Choose your retirement location. Develop your dream. Work on a project that serves someone or something that helps them in some way! Make a list of your “must haves” in a relationship so you have clarity on what you want, and most importantly, your personal red flags!

In careers, love relationships, family relationships and friendships…we should NEVER let our need for affirmation, affection or attention be so strong that we stay involved, but sacrificing our deeper beliefs and values.
Make 2015 your beginning of a massive personal growth journey! Remember, it’s up to YOU…to make ALL your days great!

For more Self-empowerment, dating or marriage coaching, contact LifeCoach, Relationship specialist, Inspiring Speaker, Annalisa O’Toole
@coachannalisa /twitter
lifecoachannalisa@gmail /email

Annalisa O’Toole, Life Coach, Relationship Specialist, Inspirational Speaker http://www.annalisaotoole.com

Why am I a ‘LOSER’ magnet?….

Are you #single and struggling because you want to FIND THE RIGHT ONE?…..Do you feel like you’re constantly single#attracting the wrong people?  Please allow me to coach your perspective regarding your mindset about ‘attraction’. I have learned, and it has been my personal experience, that we attract people who we feel are most like us. Many say, that absolutely can not be true, because they feel they are ‘NOT’ like the last person they dated!  But, there is something about each person we attract that resonates with us, which is why we become connected. Then, we learn of the qualities that we don’t like, and we decide (sometimes) to become, disconnected, or disassociated. (Or,we stay connected due to the physical attraction, the sexual infatuation, and wonder why you can’t get along, or have a roller coaster relationship) So, how then, do we learn to discern who to attract? Here’s the secret…WE ATTRACT THAT WHICH WE MOST THINK ABOUT. This can be a person, place, thing, opportunity, tragedy, crisis, challenge, event, ordeal, group, material items, money, etc… So, what are you focusing on? If you are focused on your faults, your doubts, your fears, and your lack of something, THIS IS EXACTLY what will appear into your reality. Sometimes, your focus can manifest as a person with the very qualities you’re trying to avoid! Why? You keep thinking of what you don’t like!! Or perhaps an opportunity that seems appealing at first, but turns out to be the VERY SITUATION YOU FEAR – why?, because you were keeping those fears around in your thoughts. Maybe you have been consumed on ‘not being able to pay the bills’. So, therefore, deeper debt has arisen. WHY? You were thinking THAT exact thought, the thoughts of ‘not being able to pay the bills”.  So the universe has delivered to you –your continued inability to pay them!!! Do you see a pattern here?

 In Earl Nightingale’s amazing audio, THE STRANGEST SECRET, he reveals this very philosophy; and he expressed he wished he had capitalized on it years earlier in his youth. You see, that which we surround our thoughts and ourselves with, (feelings, perspectives, like-minded individuals, experiences, people, influences, books, movies, social-media, etc) is what we focus on. That which we focus on is what we are believing. What we are seeking is what we will find.  The secret of success, the definition in fact of success, is this: “Any continual  pursuit of a worthy ideal”. So, if you value yourself, you like your own qualities, you deeply believe there is an ideal mate for you (a worthy ideal) and you affix your thoughts on the expectation of them coming into your life at the right time, and believe strongly that they will have all the qualities you have already defined and written down (this is very important — if you haven’t declared a target, how will you know where to shoot? If there is no vision, there can be no mission!)  You will attract the person whom you believe is out there, coming to you, because you have identified their qualities, you have internalized the faith that they exist, and you truly want a compatible partner to share life with. Remember, if your words are statements like, “I don’t think I’ll ever find the right one”, or “I’m just not marriage material”, or “No one could really love me, I’m so screwed up”….then you know what, YOUR RIGHT!!!  Shift your words to this: “I believe God knows WHO I need, WHEN I need them, and HOW the attraction will happen.” You might say, “I know, expect, believe, and can visualize all the qualities of my ideal partner, I just can’t see their face, right this minute” -or- “I know EXACTLY what I don’t want, so red flags will always wave when meeting someone new who is not the right one” this is the affirmation that you are telling yourself you WILL discern. If you continue to say your picker is broken, it will remain broken. 

You are designing your life. Be careful of your thoughts, as they are creating what is magnetizing toward you!!

For further Relationship Life Coaching, visit http://www.wordpress.com/inspiredliving, or teamotoole.wordpress.com, you can also Add LifeCoachAnnalisa O’Toole as a friend on facebook. Remember, a life coaching, dating, or self-empowerment session is just a phone call away!!  Remember, it’s up to you to make it a great and fabulous day!!

Relationship Struggles? Tips for re-connecting…

Emotional Connection is the secret to Flowing Relationships...

Emotional Connection is the secret to Flowing Relationships.

INSPIRED LIFE COACHING….. December 2014 Newsletter

by Life Coach, Relationship Specialist & Inspirational Speaker,

Annalisa O’Toole

Emotionally Connecting is the root foundation for relationships to flourish…

If your Relationship is in need of repair, it is most likely, because your EMOTIONAL CONNECTION has been compromised. It is in jeopardy, it is not strong, and it is creating havoc in your life. Here are the BEST ways to reconnect emotionally. It requires at least ONE person, constantly working to show love, support, and admiration, and trustworthiness. It takes two forgiving, honest, and willing people to move forward. If you are the one trying to repair, mend, or save a relationship, you will know the advice below that is specific for you. If you are the one who thinks everything is fine, but your partner is having trouble –look again at the following things. You need to absorb some emotional-connecting tips- and fast!!  Stop arguing about the little things, and realize it is your EMOTIONAL CONNECTION that has been broken. Let’s repair it!!! Hope these tips help you through this season. We are in a season of giving, so try to focus more on what you can GIVE to the relationship, verses WHAT you get or don’t get out of it.

If one is tired, offer a massage —

If one is crying, hold them.

If one is bitchin, say, “I understand what can I do or help you with?”

If one is frustrated, let them vent without getting mad – one person at a time with the elevated emotions!! Your job is to Just listen, empathize, support, offer assistance.

If one is nagging, say, “What can I do to help you?”

If one is demanding, say, “Let me write these things down, so I don’t forget, I know they are important to you, I’ll do my best at these”

If one is distant — give them space.

If one is short—say, “I know it feels as if your world is falling apart, but I still love you.”

If one is quick tempered, say, “How can I make things easier, or relieve your load?”

If one is late home from work, have dinner ready, offer a beverage, sit with them and talk.

If the house is messy, clean it.

If it’s trash day, take it out.

If its grocery day and you’re buying them, bring home flowers guys. Girls: Bring home his favorite item, or beer.

Leave notes of appreciation saying “have a great day” in their car, or by their mirror in the bathroom.

Guys: Buy a spa day certificate, take the kids all day, and tell her she’s off-duty!!!

Girls: Buy an admission ticket to a sports event, or the shooting range (hopefully you haven’t made him too mad! HA!)

Love Languages:

Most people feel loved if their partner does one or more of the following:


Figure out which one is their HOT button, do things around that love language as often as possible.

Social Media & Friends of opposite sex:

Clean up your friendships outside the marriage. It is not good to have ‘female’ or ‘male’ friends you talk to daily or often. Even if you speak to this person about getting their gender perspective on your relationship – which seems innocent, it creates a sense of disloyalty within your partner. Phone records can be checked. Although you may not be in a sexual relationship —-an emotional connection starts by talking often — and even if talking often is not leading to an emotional connection, it would never be perceived as ‘platonic’ if there are multiple texts and calls throughout day to day. OR, long patterns of texting or talking on and off throughout the month. Chatting on games, snap chat, vines, and other forms of communication are all the same. They are not healthy to participate in with friends of the opposite sex if you are in a committed, exclusive relationship. Even if you both trust each other impeccably – it sends the wrong message to the other chatter – the message being –I have a need to talk to you, and have fun conversations with you- because my partner isn’t available to. Even though this isn’t the message you INTENDED – it is what ‘can’ be perceived. So  to stay in the safe zone: REFRAIN.


  1. No interrupting
  2. No threats to leave house or relationship.
  3. No name calling.
  4. Stay on topic, no bringing up the past
  5. No going to bed mad

If someone is upset, ask more questions verses making more statements. Always repeat what you thought your partner said, here’s an example: “So, what I heard you say was”: then repeat that outloud. This way, your partner can feel they were ‘heard’ with their perspective, or ‘not understood’. The goal in any conversation is for one person to feel understood.

The MINUTE your emotions start elevating (heart rate increases, sweating, or feelings of panic, or feelings of anger) due to frustration or anger, it is best to TAKE A BREAK rather than yell, or get aggressive, or begin hitting walls.

If, or when- one partner see’s their partner is getting worked up in anger, it is best to begin soothing them with things like:

Let’s talk about this later.

Maybe I should go, and we can talk it out later.

Maybe we should just stop talking now, hold each other, and come back to a discussion later.

Always speak life. Never let your words have a frustrating tone- no matter your mood, their words, their accusation, etc…If they are upset, YOU REMAIN CALM! If they need correcting, do it lovingly. If one is upset, the other could use phrases like:

  • I hear you, I understand.
  • I am so sorry that upset you. What can I do to make you feel better?
  • Come over here, let me hold you.
  • Let’s go do something very, very special together.
  • I love when you ______________
  • I think it’s so cool that you ______________
  • You make me feel so good, and special when you ________________
  • You’re leaving home in THAT shirt? You look so good in that, I worry someone will steal you away! (playful, not jealous tones…easy does it on this one)
  • I am so sorry that is happening to you, how can I help you?

If you are the one upset, be careful to use the I FEEL______I FELT_____, I FOUND______ method, it makes your partner feel less accused, less criticized, and it makes it more about ‘your feelings’ than their wrong doing.

EDIFY your spouse even if it is not received in love. The goal is to give -without any expectation of a return. Give compliments, show appreciation, offer helpfulness, show thoughtfulness, show kindness, show consideration. Don’t have double standards. EVEN IF they aren’t showing these to you, DO IT ANYWAY!! They will eventually learn their mistakes, and your example will pay off – or things won’t change and then you can re-access the relationship or seek more coaching.

If you are estranged, separated, or working on things and sex is ‘OFF’ limits presently –NEVER make a pass, or caress, or reach to touch your partner unless THEY initiate, so you know that you know- that you know- they want to go there. If sexual relations are OK, take the time to be gentle, do something fun and different. Be about making THEM feel good for a change – it’s not all about YOU, you know. Get creative, and be spontaneous. Break the same-ole, same-ole routines. Surprise your partner with something new. Remember:

Passion is a Friendship – ON FIRE!!!

Learn to LAUGH! You must share laughter together. It is the secret ingredient that makes everything else work. If you cannot laugh daily, create pet names, make up new stuff that makes you laugh, act silly, whatever, you are missing a very important part of emotionally connecting.

BE OK if your partner needs to CRY! What someone who is crying needs most, is less talk, and more holding. PERIOD. But reminding softly, that they are loved, and you’re in this forever and, ever after that, is not a bad idea!!

Always give eye-contact….ALWAYS, even if they are not looking at you! Don’t be easily distracted if they are talking to you. FOCUS on not only looking at them, but listen intently, put the phone down. IT CAN WAIT!

INITIATE a fun activity together, plan a date, or plan a future vacation together. Plan a project, or do something charitable together. GIVING always creates peacefulness within.

RESPECT the money manager of the relationship. This person has it tough; they have to be the bad guy. They have to budget, they have to say no, they have to access the needs (that don’t always align with their partner’s idea of needs) Somebody will have to be more flexible, but ultimately, the money manager needs A LOT of understanding, and appreciation –The hardest duo’s are when the $-manager is the FEMALE. Because that is out of alignment with the MAN who needs feeling like he’s in charge, like he’s the leader, and the decision maker of the family. But, if his weakness is managing money, he needs to respect and adhere to the woman’s talent and ability to manage – the woman in this role needs to take EXTRA care when talking, and planning, and deciding things. There is a fine line between being the decision maker, and respecting your Man!

HE needs respect upmost in the relationship.

SHE needs to feel understood, loved, cherished, adored, and be reminded by her man she is number 1, he’s in for the long haul, and there’s no one else who could ever take her place and she’s amazing, and you love her cooking, and she is talented, and she makes you feel so good, and…….

NOTICE: Men –need one thing. Woman: A long-Complicated list!!!!  Men & Women who ‘get this’ will have flowing relationships.

PRAYING together is the ULTIMATE way to build back a strong emotional connection. Try it, it’s amazing. Start out with one person, build up to taking turns. It can truly shift your relationship; it somehow creates a sense of unity that is empowering.

Resources that are helpful in hurting relationships:

  • The movie FIRE PROOF.
  • Purchasing the 40 day journal they use in the movie at a local Christian book store, and do it.
  • Love & Respect book, or ANY book by Gary Chapman. He wrote the love Languages book also.
  • Briggs Meyer’s- ISDC Personality Profiles. This is great insight for determining how your partner thinks and their perspective of things. It is helpful for improving communication and connection.
  • Attend a marriage or couples retreat or seminar together.
  • Create a ‘MUST HAVE’ list and each of you ‘share’ your list of desires, and work on giving more.
  • Decide the past hurts that are still rising up, and creating problems, write them each down on an index card. On the back, write how you choose to forgive, and move past it, what you’ll do different in the future moving forward…then have a BURN date, by the fire! DISCUSS each one- STATE YOUR WRONG if you were- FORGIVE-OFFER your NEW way of resolving-PRAY-THEN TOSS them in the fire!!! Don’t go back to those situations.

If your partner is distant – YOU warm up.

If your partner is quiet, make them laugh.

If your partner is hurried, help them.

If your partner is trying to make plans with friends without you, (they are needing space, apparently) you make plans on your own, happily. Two individually independent people with their personal interests are far more intriguing and enjoyable- than two people who are together all the time- without outside interests. Make SURE you are supportive of your partner’s friends, interests, and activities that have nothing to do with you. This is healthy, and a necessity in life.

Keep in mind, if you are in a position of trying to consider: SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO in your relationship, these tips are VERY IMPORTANT as you seek God and His guidance for that decision.

  • Fruits of a loving spirit, (within someone’s character) are peace. Lack of them, is turmoil. Here they are: Gentleness, kindness, joy, humbleness, not self-seeking, doesn’t keep record of wrongs, not jealous, patient, and loving.
  • Have I maintained a loving spirit, for a long consistent amount of time, and my partner still treats me unloving?
  • Does my partner seek God, or is there something else more important: Money-Entertainment-Friends-Work-etc.? (not sure, look at where their money, time, and thoughts go)
  • Do I –or- Does my partner have purpose and passion about life outside of ‘us’? A person without this, will often times rely too heavily on their partner to feel good about themselves, and this is not only insecure, but a big load for someone to bear! It is vital that people discover their skills, talents, and creative side and serve someone or something in this world to make a difference – not just with their partner and on the home-front!!
  • Does my partner have a positive energy around them, do I feel uplifted when we are together, or is most of our time feel like one or both of us wants the other to change something?
  • Is there an unhealthy, influential person in my partner’s (or my) life that is not likely to disconnect from (them) (or me) anytime soon, and therefore; makes it extremely difficult to have and keep a strong emotional connection with my lover?
  • Are our values so different that our priorities are different, and this causes us to have constant conflict?
  • Do I –or- does my partner –stay in this relationship because they ‘fear’ something? Rejection, instability, being alone, jealous of the other moving on without them, fear of not having or making enough money, etc…
  • Do we find ways to manage our children or do we constantly have issues regarding their care?
  • Is there constant drama, other people involved in affairs that should be handled between just us?

I hope these tips are helpful. I hope they make you think, and contemplate your relationship -so you can make the positive changes that will ensure your happiness together. For some, it’s taking time to create space and work on building back the friendship, so the passion is re-ignited. For other’s, it is re-building a friendship, so the passion increases, so the mistrust issues diminish….and more trust is gained.

You attract more bees with honey!!

Coaching relationships doesn’t make progress if one or two people have a hardened heart, remain un-open to change, un-open to forgiveness, or are unteachable.

Relationship coaching however, can succeed if each person will ‘look in the mirror’ – accept their weaknesses, commit to change, and work on serving their partners deepest emotional needs.

The Holidays are only stressful if you allow them to be. I hope this Christmas season, you will commit to your relationship. The changes necessary, and work toward your mutual goals to create a wonderful and loving, romantic New YEAR!!!

Looking forward to hearing from you and learning how you’re doing!!

Coach Annalisa O’Toole~

(ph)678-431-6528 (email) lifecoachannalisa@gmail.com

Follow for More relationship advice daily on Twitter: @coachannalisa

Motivational Speaking

166 As a Professional Certified Life Coach, Relationship Specialist, Therapist, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Business Owner, and Former Radio Show Host, Annalisa has 7 years experience helping marriages, young engaged couples, and singles find their way into improved relationships and careers. In that journey of guiding clients in her Life Coaching practice, she has discovered the root causes of conflict, discouragement, and even emotional turmoil.  She is equipped with several phenomenal speaking topics that will assist and enlighten individuals toward peaceful relationships at work, at home, and with their spouse.

Her ideal audience would be a woman’s group, couples, church staff or church members, a class, a meet up group, a community group, a business, a sales team, or a civic organization.

The topics offered for speaking engagements are:

  • THE GREAT-8! Discovering Life’s 8 essential needs & how to fulfill them God’s way!
  • Self-Empowerment & Feeling Fabulous!
  • Growing your Team & Increasing Sales!

Annalisa O’Toole  has a fun, uplifting, warm spirit that is sure to inspire, entertain, educate, and motivate any audience!  To check her schedule for availability, please contact her by calling 678-431-6528.

Rates for up to 1 hour of Speaking time are as follows:

  • Christian Organizations: $150
  • Church Services or events: Love Offering from audience/membership
  • Woman’s Group, Club, or Non-Profit: $150
  • Business Staff event, meeting, conference: $250
  • Retreat, Convention, Workshop: $250

Add-On fee’s not included:

  • Travel required outside Metro-Atlanta area, driving & time consideration fee: $50
  • Travel requiring Airlines, Hotel, & Expenses fee, if not covered by Client: $850+ (may vary, negotiable)
  • Personal Consultation fee: $85
  • Break-Out session teaching/speaking fee: $50 each
  • Ticket price of admission and/or meal at your event
  • For each additional speaking topic at the same event: $50

*All fee’s are negotiable and may vary depending on individual needs, location, travel arrangements, and unforeseen factors.