The pain of remaining the same…

ballet shoes trapped picgrows greater than the pain of making a change…you change. This beginning of 2015 can be the best time to free your spirit of accomplished desires. Unveil your true needs, let go of the fear you have held onto for so long. Sometimes, we can’t even identify our own fear, we just know we can’t move forward. We feel stuck. We are haunted by what we want, but can’t seem to get it. We are burdened by what we don’t want anymore, but can’t seem to follow a plan, or a consistent action that aligns with getting what we want. We set a goal, then we fail. We make a plan, even draw it out, then life gets busy. Challenges surround us. Every year, we make resolutions, then we forgot what they were by March.
This year really can be different. But the first step in designing a different life, is DECIDING that you CAN. BELIEVE that you WILL. And TRUST that IT IS happening! Some of you may have a weight goal. For others, a career goal. And for many, a relationship goal. As with any pattern of thought, what we think on, we bring on. Your thoughts are designing your life. You are attracting what you desire. If you are dwelling on the unwanted things in your life, they will continue to show up. If you are consumed with thoughts of doubt, you will keep having hesitations. If you are mindful of what you fear, you will continue feeling afraid of those things. Reminders of what you fear will keep showing up. But, if you focus on what you want, as if it is happening, and the visual is clear in your head of where you’re headed, and what you desire, then resources, opportunities, and people will begin to surround you for that to come to pass. You will actually manifest things that line up with that which you want! FOCUS:
If you are sincerely ready for change, you must be willing to pay a price. Change is not free. Something must change in order for a bigger change to take place. One penny thrown into the water causes a ripple, which causes another ripple, then before you know it, you have waves, then before you even blink, you have a current!
If you want change, you must change something uncomfortable. If you never move, you never feel the chains!
If we want something, our “WHY” must be greater (we must need it or want it MORE) than our ‘obstacles’.
If we want serious change, we must have a support system in place. You can’t get to your desired result without affirmation. People need encouragement. People need compliments. Surround yourself with positive people who support your dreams and goals. Surround yourself with leaders who have accomplished what you want to accomplish. Get connected to people who inspire you. Talk to people daily who are meeting their goals, and who create positive energy!
To accomplish something different this year, we need support that provides us with visual reminders daily. Make a DREAM BOARD with pictures and words that reflect who, what, when, where, and HOW you plan to achieve your goals. Get your family involved! include your children in your plans. If you achieve your goals, make sure you help them achieve theirs!
Without a gage to measure your success – a tracking system of some kind, you are less likely to achieve your success. Use a chart, an app, a friendly competitive partner going for the similar goals. When you have a tracking system in place, you know where you are now, where you’ve been (history) and how far you have to go!!
In order to accomplish great things this year besides acquiring support, visuals, and tracking, you will also need to make time daily to ‘sharpen your saw’ –school should never be out for the pro. We never ‘know it all’. Read a new book, always have a new read going. Tap into people who are making your goal happen, or who have already achieved what you want to – gain knowledge through relationships. If you want to find your soul mate this year, you need to read from the relationship experts on this subject. If you want to make more money in your field, you need to read from authors who have achieved success in your field. If you want to learn a new skill, you should watch videos, and tutorials on HOW TO to gain new insight for this endeavor. If you are trying to lose weight, learn from the top diet & physical fitness gurus.
Also, remember one last change before moving into a NEW year and NEW you — you can never create change sitting still. Nothing happens till someone gets excited, and MOVES. Move toward your goals with enthusiasm. Say, I am GAINING ___________________ this year!! Fill in the blank with a positive new goal! NEVER say, I am not, or I will not…. or I can not….or I won’t…
But instead say,
I AM_________________!!!!!
I WILL _______________!!!!!
I BELIEVE I CAN _________!!!!!
I KNOW I AM _____________ !!!!!
Everything good happens to those who believe. All good things come to those who wait. Every good thing will come to pass if that is what you are expecting and working toward. Stumbling blocks are only set backs that turn into stepping-stones when you step up and step out!!
If you have anxiety, it is because you are dwelling in the past, or worried about the future. We can only count ‘right now’ –you are in charge. This moment is a gift, it’s the present! Choose to be happy, healthy, and prosperous –it IS up to you!! You are one choice away from changing your entire world!! You’re one perspective away from making it a GREAT day!
Here’s to a fabulous 2015, and making ALL your goals and dreams come true! You deserve happiness! You are worthy of success!! You are IMPORTANT!!!

Life Coach Annalisa